Non-probate settlements
Many estates don’t require a full probate proceeding in order to transfer assets to the beneficiaries. Did you own property jointly with the decedent? Are the assets subject to administration less than $50,000? Did the decedent leave his or her real estate to you through a Transfer on Death Deed? These are all situations where a probate won’t be necessary, but you might need some legal assistance getting everything settled. I can help you determine what legal steps, if any, need to be taken to settle things in various circumstances.
trust settlement
Revocable living trusts are designed to avoid probate, but you may still need help settling one. I can help you understand what the trust provides and what your duties as trustee or rights as beneficiary are. Sometimes, all you will need is a thorough understanding of the trust and your duties, and you can handle everything yourself. Other times, you may wish for me to assist until the trust is settled. We can work out those details.
If you do need to open a probate proceeding, I can help you know which proceeding is necessary. Sometimes, a smaller estate will only require a Summary Assignment procedure or a limited duty Special Administrator. Other times, you will need a full informal probate. Whichever proceeding is right for your situation, I can guide you through it.
Call me at (608) 423-3286 to set up an appointment.